Posted by Jim Banghart on Jun 21, 2018
A grave social and moral challenge facing America today is the growing opportunity gap between kids from well-off backgrounds and kids from less-well-off backgrounds.  This growing gap, which affects all races, threatens to undermine the American Dream Itself.  Nationwide, compared to only a generation ago, kids from low income families live more isolated lives, with less support from their stressed-out families, from their churches, from their communities, and often even from their schools.  Their aspirations, their test scores, and even their physical and mental health bear indelible marks of social deprivation.  Through no fault of their own, these kids have much less chance to lead satisfying and productive adult lives.  For the country this outcome is economically improvident and morally indefensible.
The Quest Summer Camp Program, the product of a remarkable grassroots collaboration amont the Jaffrey-Rindge Rotary Club, the Jaffrey Rindge School District and Frankln Pierce University, is among the most promising effort I know anywhere in the country to address the opportunity gap.  Using latest pedagogical techniques to foster one of the oldest values of our nation – equality of opportunity – the Quest Summer Camp Program is proven to provide academic and socioemotional support to kids who need help
A well organized community group of dedicated adults can make a measurable difference in the lives of these kids – our kids.
Robert D. Putnam
Professor of Public Policy, Harvard’s Kennedy School
Author, Bowling Alone