Hi Fellow Rotarians,
We meet at Franklin Pierce for our Breakfast Meeting this week.  Nathaniel Peirce has the Invocation.
Our guest speaker will be Franklin Pierce's own Dr. Jacques Velleux, who will dazzle us about something that is all around us but that we may take for granted (or not even consider).  Come to become educated on bats and the white nose fungus that is killing them.  What's the impact on the environment here in our Jaffrey-Rindge area?  Plenty!
Hard to believe, but in another 4-6 weeks we will be seeing the annual migration and return of Rotarian "Snow birds."  in the meantime, that sweet smell you detect in the air is coming from Don Upton's sugar shack. Yep, maple sugaring time!  Spring is surely around the corner.
We have a full roster of interesting speakers for March. I will be sending notifications to the Rotarians so that they might plan ahead to arrange for guest speakers in April and May. My thanks to Nathaniel Peirce, our Program Chairperson, for his "air traffic control" efforts to ensure our schedule is full, equipment is available, etc.
See you on Thursday!
Yours in Service,